April 1st (April Fools), 2005
6'3", male, 19 years old, 185 lb, human species, brown hair with rainbow tips, hair arches into heart, pale skin, AB- blood, heterochromia (purple left eye and green in right eye), wears white clown suit with polka dots, stars, moons, and hearts, pink bunny shoes, mix matching socks, banana waistband, holds bubble gun and toy gun, has star, heart, and moon tattoo on right cheek under the eye
Cupcakes, parties, plush toys, colors, shiny objects, candy, bananas, and glitter
Mean people, grapes, Axel, chickens, salmon, monsters, and horror movies
Comforting, empathetic, can be shy, social, blunt, silly, thoughtless, passionate, fun, clingy, friendly, and tall
His parents always worked in the circus. He was raised in the circus. He started off his circus career officially when he was seven years old. He would help with the props and start the smoke machines. When he turned thirteen he became a trapeze artist at his family circus. Eventually when he turned fifteen he decided to be a clown and is one of the main stars at the circus
September 7th, 1980
5'11", Male, 43 years old, 230 lb (He's made out of metal), animatronic species, floating retro TV head, with dials and one crooked antenna, pale skin, engine oil for blood, wears khaki business suit, dress pants, black loafers, white shirt, and black tie
Teasing people, gasoline, computers, brown, mustangs, and old fashion
Modern technology, tangled cords, cats, water, and excessive heat
Silly, stubborn, smart, gentleman, enthusiastic, sarcastic, problem solver, nerdy, and geeky
Built in the 80's by a man named Otto. He was built in a garage and was first built without consciousness. The engineer eventually gave up working on him and sold him for $5,000 to a pawn store. He was passed around until his now current owner John decided to fix him up. He put in a specially made hard drive to make him gain consciousness. Eventually TV Head and John came to an agreement and John decided to let TV Head have a life of his own outside of his workshop. TV Head still meets John every week
May 2nd, 1924
(Update coming soon!) 6'2", male, 100 years old, 175 lb, Kitsune species, black, spiky, and long hair, pale skin, B+ blood, brown eyes, wears white kimono with cherry blossoms and tree of life, wears sandals with socks, wears kitsune mask with cherry blossoms and other symmetrical designs
Cherry blossoms, quiet, peace, nature, cherry blossom tea, sewing, painting, reading, and foxes
Loud sounds, chaos, arrogant people, sports, sci-fi movies, and boots
Gentle, compassionate, sympathetic, shy, wise, strong-willed, intelligent, reserved, stoic, and firm
Born in Yoshino, Japan, 100 year old Masayuki was officially in the Hagiwara family. His mom specially handmade his kimono. She embroidered cherry blossoms to symbolize joy and life. Everyone in the Hagiwara family was born a kitsune and has cherry blossoms on their komodo by their mom or guardian. The older they get the more skilled they become and the stronger their mystical abilities get. He only has one tail in his full kitsune form. Each tail represents 100 years of their life. They are immortal and they don't physically age past their early twenties. Every 100 years they will have a grand party called a Hyaku-nen iwai which means 100 year celebration. At this celebration he has to embroider something personal to him that he thinks is the most important event that happened that year on his kimono. He embroidered the tree of life to represent the strength and unity he has with his family. He is currently a martial arts teacher
January 20th, 2039
(Update coming soon!) 5'3", female, sixteen years old (Time Jumper), 115 lb, human species, pink long hair on left side, blue short hair on right side, pale skin, B- blood, purple eyes, wears black leather jacket, Punk City crop top, leather shorts, and three ear piercings on right side
Chaos, parties, motorcycles, futuristic topics, video games, tech, purple, and pizza
"Goody two shoes", romance movies, sitcoms, Domino, cupcakes, anime, glitter, and people
Rugged, blunt, serious, mischievous, stubborn, hot-headed, creative, and intelligent
She use to be in the year 2055 until she time jumped to the current timeline. She was born in Cyber City in New Skyland. She has a special mission where she collects information from past timelines to learn about them and how to better help her own timeline. She has to stay until she gets all the information required
Dr. Weird Art
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